Former Employees
Type of personal data
Lawful basis
Contact information, such as your name and home address.
To be able to send you updates about us, such as a newsletter.
Legitimate interest of BRB to keep in touch with former employees.
Payroll administration, including tax-exempt benefits.
To be able to comply with relevant legal regulations.
Legitimate interest of BRB to comply with a legal obligation, tax legislation (The Netherlands: Wages and Salaries Tax Act).
Employee data, such as name, date of birth, tax registration number and address, as well as requests to apply a payroll tax credit.
To be able to comply with relevant legal regulations.
Legitimate interest of BRB to comply with a legal obligation, tax legislation (The Netherlands: Wet op de loonbelasting).
Employment contract.
To be able to comply with relevant legal requirements.
Legitimate interest of BRB to comply with a legal obligation, civil law (Netherlands: Civil Code).
Identification documents (copy).
To be able to comply with relevant legal requirements.
Legitimate interest of BRB to comply with a legal obligation, legislation on aliens (Netherlands: Foreign Nationals Employment Act).
Pension details.
To be able to comply with relevant statutory regulations.
Legitimate interest of BRB to comply with a legal obligation, pension legislation (The Netherlands: Pensioenwet and Obligatory Occupational Pension Scheme Act).
Information necessary for dispute resolution, such as the grounds and your correspondence with us about a resignation or other (in)voluntary departure from our organization.
To be able to respond to any claims that may arise after you have left our organization (in)voluntarily.
BRB’s interest in being able to respond effectively to any claims you might make against us.

How long do we keep personal data of former employees?

We keep the personal data of former employees in accordance with relevant legal requirements. The data will be kept for as long as we are allowed to under those legal requirements. In the Netherlands, a retention period of 2-7 years generally applies after you have left BRB's employment or after you have received a certain benefit. The other aforementioned personal data will be kept by us for as long as there is a purpose for storing this personal data.

Special categories of personal data

BRB only records special personal data if this is necessary to comply with its legal obligations, insofar as permission has been given for this or if this is otherwise permitted based on laws and regulations. Special personal data are data about race, religion or belief, political opinion, health, sexual orientation, trade union membership, genetic data, or biometric data.

BRB only processes criminal personal data if this is necessary for the position in which the employee will work and/or if this is permitted by law.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep your personal data for as long as this is necessary for the purposes, we collected it for, within the legal limits and our own internal policies for retention.

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