Type of personal data
Lawful basis
Contact information, such as your telephone number, e-mail address and home address.
To be able to contact you for work-related matters and general administration purposes.
Performance of a contract.
Function information, such as your job position, availability details, working hours.
To be able to identify your role and availability within the company.
Legitimate interests.
Bank account information, such as your bank account number.
To be able to pay your salary.
Performance of a contract.
Salary information, such as salaries paid, VAT details, payment details, worked hours, leave and absences, outplacements.
To be able to pay your salary and file the information for tax requirements and general administration purposes.
Performance of a contract and compliance with a legal obligation (Dutch: Wet op Loonbelasting).
Personal Identification Number.
To be able to prove that you are the individual working for us.
Performance of a contract with you and compliance with a legal requirement (Dutch: Wet op Loonbelasting).
Performance information, such as the outcomes of performance reviews, ratings, key performance indicators.
To be able to determine appropriate compensation and benefits and monitor and improve your performance as necessary.
Legitimate interests.
Development information, such as training certificates you have obtained, mandatory trainings completed.
To be able to track your development, define training needs and determine appropriate compensation and benefits.
Legitimate interests.
Travel information, such as itineraries, identification information, expenses made abroad.
To be able to book and compensate business required travel.
Legitimate interests.
CCTV recordings on BRB premises.
To protect our property and to be able to detect and respond to theft or and hazardous behavior in our company locations.
Legitimate interests.
Working time registration, such as the time you enter and exit BRB facilities and at times also at which workstation you are operating.
To record the correct working time in order to be able to pay your wages.
Performance of a contract.
Insurance information, such as your name, date of birth, sex, address, date of employment, annual fulltime salary, part time percentage, national identification number.
To provide you with the necessary and required insurance in case of incapacity to work or a layoff.
Compliance with a legal requirement, labour related laws (Dutch: Ziektewet, WW, WIA).
Pension information, such as your name, date of birth, sex, address, date of employment, marital status, part time percentage, annual fulltime salary, personnel number, national identification number.
To provide you with a pension during retirement.
Performance of a contract with you (of which pension benefits are a part) and compliance with a legal requirement (Dutch: Pensioenwet).
Personal data in our network systems, computer systems, communication equipment, access controls and other internal management/ administration information, such as account names, passwords, logging information, your business e-mail account, internet usage etc.
To monitor and investigate compliance with BRB’s policies, regulations, and the appropriate and lawful use of company resources.
Legitimate interests.
Health & safety information, such as information about your ability to re-integrate in your function.
To ensure a safe and healthy work environment for you and your colleagues while making sure medical data is treated confidentially by licensed medical professionals.
Legitimate interests.
Lease car contract.
To provide you a lease car during the employment period.
Performance of a contract.

In addition to your personal data, we also use some personal information of your dependents and other related individuals, which we have summarized in the table below:
Type of personal data
Lawful basis
Information about your need to provide care for your partner, children, parent and/or siblings, such as a statement from a medical professional about the amount of care needed from you.
To be able to provide you with caregiver’s leave.
Compliance with a legal requirement, labour laws (Dutch: Wet arbeid & zorg).
Information about your partner, such as your relationship status (married, civil union), name, date of birth and personal identification number of your partner and the name and date of birth of children you might have under the age of 18.
To provide partners and children of deceased or incapacitated employees with benefits by insuring them for such events.
Your consent. It is by no means mandatory to arrange for (additional) partner/children benefits via BRB, but if you want this, we can arrange this for you if you share the necessary information with us based on the legal requirement for us to prove you are entitled to benefits (Dutch: Wet Loonbelasting)
Information about your medical emergency person, such as his or her name and telephone number.
To be able to contact a close friend/relative when you experience a medical emergency on our premises.
Legitimate interests.

How long do we keep employee data?

In general, we keep your data for as long as you are employed with us, with some time to allow for the secure destruction of the personal data that is no longer necessary. For tax, pension, insurance, and other administration purposes we might be required to keep your personal data after employment. In the next section you can find the categories of personal data we keep after your employment with us has ended.

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